
SOC Operator Course

Learn to provided a high acurate suspicious activity triage in order to detect false positive or potential false negative security incidents, perform the due diligence around a security investigation, detect & stop attacks in the act, and carry on static malware analysis.

  • Blue
  • Lenguage
  • Role
    Information Security Analyst
  • Start for free

Course Syllabus

1.- Introduction

  • About SOC Operator
  • Vocabulary
  • Intro to Let’s Defend

2.- Infosec

  • CIA
  • AAA
  • Security Threats
  • Mitigating Threats
  • Hackers
  • Threat Actors
  • Threat Intelligence and Sources
  • Threat Hunting
  • Attack Frameworks

3.- Malware

  • Types of malware 101
  • Types of Infections
  • Delivery methods

4.- Linux 101

5.- Windows 101

6.- AD 101

7.- Network & Enterprise Architecture 101

8.- Crypto 101

9.- SOC 101

10.- Let's Defend Labs - Security Analyst (Tier 1 Alerts)

11.- Let's Defend Labs - Incident Response (Tier 2 Alerts)

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